Monday, January 24, 2011


Well week 1 of our 11 week Biggest Loser competition is over and we are well into week 2. I lost 7.8 pounds and my Hubby lost 9.5 pounds. It was a great start for us and def helps us keep motivated for this next week. I am hoping if I can stay with a 1 or 2 pound weight loss for the rest of the competition than it will be a great start to my Journey. I was expecting a big number this first week since I had to cut out Gluten and Sugar at the same time and right at the start of it and with cutting that out I knew I'd lose weight and we have been working out like crazy. I starting taking a Spin class and I didn't think I'd like it at all but boy was I wrong. I LOVE IT, I think it is my new favorite thing to do for a cardio work out. Luckily the gym we go to has a ton of classes. This week I'm trying a few different classes along with the Spin so I can mix it up some. Since I've played sports my entire life I think I just do better in the class settings instead of working out on an elliptical. I get bored way too fast just standing still like that while on a machine by myself. I have found that I enjoy the stair stepper not the stair master but the stair stepper that moves.
Tonight is the Kick box Cardio class and I am really looking forward to it, I love to kick box and haven't done it in so long. It's an amazing work out and it's always fun to kick and punch things!!!! Tomorrow I'm going to be going thru my IPod to get some new music on it to help out my work outs! Music can do so much for your work outs. So if you haven't gone thru your playlist recently then you may want to. Switch it up or even make playlists for each kind of work out you do. I know people who have a cardio playlist, weight lifting, spinning, yoga, and even a running and walking playlist! Just have fun with it and search for what makes you move and keeps you entertained during your work outs!

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