Friday, January 21, 2011

# Know YOUR Numbers #

I saw that an Oprah show was on Health so I DVR'd it and watched it after my boys were all fast asleep one night. A lot of what was talked about I had already been thinking about and was going to post about this, but it was so nice to hear all the professionals explaining everything like they did.
5 Numbers you HAVE to know, not need to know I'm going to say you have to know them.

- Your Blood Pressure is by far the most important for so many reasons.

For me knowing my BP is something that is just part of my routine. My son knows how to take it for me and he's only 5. While I'm pregnant I get severe Pre-Eclampsia and HELLP. My 1st pregnancy my nurses kept telling me my BP was normal, well it would have been normal if I had normal BP to start with but I have low BP to start with so normal BP was high for me. So within 4 days of catching what was going on and being admitted into the Hospital I was having a seizure and delivering my Son at 27 weeks gestation. Since that day I've probably been a little OCD about checking my BP to make sure I know what it is and how it fluctuates. Now I'm def not saying to check it as much as I do, no one has a reason to do that. My BP almost killed me twice so I just have a few things making me do that. Checking it once a year is a great start. Once you lose some weight and are working out more then check it again. Working out helps lower your BP and usually people can get off any BP meds they are on!! The ideal number is 115/75.

The 2nd number to know is probably the one number no one wants to know!

- Your waist size.

All you need is a measuring tape like you'd use for sewing and you can just do it at home nice and simple with NO ONE knowing what it is! Your waist size should be half the size of your height and it is best to measure it once a month.

- Your Weight is the 3rd number
Weighing once a week is best. It is also best to weigh in at the morning at around the same time. I usually do it shortly after getting out of bed before having breakfast and getting ready for the day. If you weigh daily you can stress yourself out so if you can just do it once a week!

- Cholesterol is the 4th one you should know.

If you haven't been to the Dr lately to be checked then schedule an appointment and have a physical. A simple blood test can show a lot and it is always so nice to see results even in your blood results when you are working out and losing weight. Your healthy HDL Cholesterol should be greater than 50 and you want your LDL which is your Bad Cholesterol to be lower than 100.

- The Last number you have to know is your Fasting Blood Sugar

Your Fasting Blood Sugar should be less than 100. The higher your number than the higher your chance for a stroke, heart disease, impotence and kidney failure.

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