Monday, January 31, 2011

** Scale **

I have to admit I just got my 1st scale for my Kitchen. Another purchase I'm not sure why it took me so long to make. They run in a very wide price range. I got mine at Costco and it is so little and thin that it doesn't look bad on my Kitchen counter. Scales help a lot to stay in the portion sizes you want to stay in. Fruits, veggies, nuts, meat, and anything else can all be put on the scales. Nuts and Granola are two things you really have to watch how much you eat. Although Granola is talked up as a health food it is usually high in Calories and Fat and a lot of them can have a lot more Sugar in them then you would think they do. So the most important thing is to read the labels and really make sure you stay in the portion size you want. A great way to start out the week is to pre-portion out things at the start of the week and put them in bags for you to just grab when its time for a snack or to throw in your purse so you have something if you are going to be gone for awhile. It also helps a lot when you or your kids are making lunch. Just throw the pre-portioned bags into your lunch bag and enjoy!!!!

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