Thursday, January 13, 2011

** Labels & Soda **

One of the most important things about making a difference in your life and not making changing your food habits a diet and instead making it a lifestyle is to learn how to read labels. It was life changing for me when I realized what I was putting into my body. It is so important to read labels for so many reasons.

Diets don't work, as soon as you stop eating what the Diet tells you to you will gain all that weight back and sometimes more. The only way to keep the weight off is to make it a full change and don't ever stop eating healthy yummy food. I am one of those annoying people you get stuck behind in in the aisles of the Grocery Store that is reading every label I pick up and going back and forth comparing them to other brands of the same product. I wouldn't have it any other way though, it has made a huge difference in my life. It is so very important to read and see how much sugar is in something and also sodium. It could fit in the calories you want for that meal but the sodium and/or sugar could be out of the roof. Also just because it says Light or Diet doesn't mean it's something you should be eating. Always look at the ingredients themselves and if Sugar, Corn Syrup or anything like that is in the first few ingredients its probably something you should put down. A big one to make sure to look at the label is Yogurts. They are actually good for you but some of them are loaded with extra sugars so just make sure you are getting the right one. A thing of yogurt and some fruit makes a wonderful breakfast!

Getting healthy isn't just about losing weight its about maintaining a healthy weight for you that you are comfortable with and feel your best at. Every person is different and every person needs to have a personal goal of what they want. A HUGE thing though is to stop drinking soda! Yep I said it, even if its Diet Soda it needs to go bye bye! At no time do I keep soda in my house, not for Dinner Parties or anything else. If you have a hard time drinking just straight water then add a little slice of lemon or lime to it or even cut up some cucumbers into a pitcher of water its so nice and refreshing and this is coming from someone who is just starting to introduce veggies into her food groups! You can also freeze some berries into ice cubes with water and put that in your pitcher of water so you get a nice berry taste to your water. So many options! You can also drink Green Tea they have so many flavors to pick from and they are so much better for you then a soda is even a diet soda.

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