Monday, January 31, 2011


I would say without this step your weight loss just won't happen and that is the Eating part. Your meals and your work outs go hand in hand to lose weight and also to maintain it. The meals/eating comes in a few parts as well. The first is calories, you have to lower your calorie intake in order to lose weight, the next part is making sure those are healthy and nutritious calories you are getting in. If you are set to eat 1200 calories in a day then that doesn't mean 500 Calories of Sugar filled Ice Cream, 200 in Soda and the rest just snacking on whatever you found around the house like candy or fattening snacks that aren't good for you. The next step besides the calories you get and making sure they are good calories is how you eat them. It is very important to get 3 small meals and then 2 snacks between them. Grazing is one of the worst things you can do when losing and maintaining weight. If you are getting good work outs in and you can't figure out why you aren't losing you are most likely grazing or you didn't cut enough calories. You have to make sure you get enough calories though sometimes not enough calories can also mess up what you are trying to do. Everyone is different so a Husband and Wife def can't compare and eat the same. You can't even compare to one of your friends that you think is around the same size as you. My Husband and I are about 1000 calories different in our intake. So for 1200 calories you can cut up the calories into like 330 calories and then have 2 snacks that are around 100 each. Or if you know you are going to be having a lunch that has more calories then normal you can cut your snack calories down or even another meal but do not cut a meal out totally. You can put the calories however you like, some people like a bigger Lunch and smaller Breakfast and Dinner so they have a few more calories at Lunch then the other meals. It is also best to eat an hour or hour and a half before you work out. For me I can't have an actual meal before working out unless it is over an hour before hand. Also make sure you watch when you eat your last meal. You do not want to eat too close to when you fall asleep. You will hear lots of people say don't eat past 9 well if you go to bed at 9 or 9:30 that doesn't really make sense. Just make sure you are giving yourself time after eating before you go to sleep. I know if I have Dinner at 6 it is better that I go to bed at 9 than 11 because I will start getting hungry and end up eating something that I shouldn't. It is best to eat 3 hours before you go to bed.
If you need to go thru anything in your house and get rid of anything that you shouldn't be eating. I have gone thru everything we have and got rid of anything and everything that we shouldn't be eating. I didn't have much since I don't like to keep sugar in our house but I got rid of anything I could snack on and shouldn't. If you shouldn't eat it now then you shouldn't ever eat it. You can donate it to the food bank if it isn't open. No reason to just throw it away. The easiest way to keep healthy is to make sure your fridge is FILLED with fresh fruit and veggies! Kids love to shop for them as well. I take my Son with me when we go to the market and he picks things he wants to eat and then he is excited to eat them.

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