Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Motivation is something everyone needs and sometimes its always good to get some along the way of your new journey! It could be an old picture of you or it could be the thought of doing something you've never done before or haven't been able to do in years.
Well one of my girlfriends that I've been friends with since Junior year sent me pictures from 2001 of the 2 of us. That was all the extra motivation I needed this week. This is about the size I would like to go back to except just a little bit more muscle and well add a butt to my backside! It's the only thing I hope doesn't go away when I lose my weight!! I haven't seen these pictures in so long but I def remember them. Yes I know it is crazy to think that after 3 kids I could get to a HS size but a girl can dream! I know it may not be able to happen but oh how I miss my jaw line and not having fat on my neck and having what people called my chicken arms. I found out a few years ago that my nickname on the soccer field was Legs by some of the other teams because I had long skinny quick legs that went around everyone. Now I doubt I could move around anyone who was actually moving! haha BUT it is another goal I have, I miss playing Soccer and although I love coaching my 2 teams I miss being out on the field and playing and I really hope by around Summer time I can get on a co-ed team and start playing again.
The last picture is of us at Telluride for a school ski trip! It was such an amazing trip and I sure do miss skiing. I haven't been able to much, in the last few years I haven't been able to go at all. Seeing that picture helped me get even more motivation because I really want to go skiing next season since this season I don't fit into any of my ski clothes and it would've been my first year back on my skis. Next season I am hoping for us to take a family trip to Telluride to all ski together. My son loves to ski but he barely got to go last season and this season he hasn't been able to make a trip yet with Grandpa. So I have found my extra little motivation and those pictures to look at when I need to remember why it is I'm in the gym almost everyday and sometimes twice a day!!!!

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