Monday, January 24, 2011

Maintaining Weight Loss

It may seem easy but its not, maintaining ones weight loss takes some steps. When you get to where you want to be that doesn't mean you can go back to your old ways and stop working out and start eating anything you want, with that you will gain all the weight back and usually will even gain more. These steps also go for starting weight loss and keeping that part up. With barriers in your way you won't be able to even start. About 80% of people who have lost weight have gained it back, so if you happen to be someone how has lost weight and gained it back, you are not alone, but I am sure that most of that 80% would like to figure out whats going on and how to get to be one of the 20% who keep it off. Bob Greene was also on the Oprah show after Dr. Oz and he has 5 steps that help you lose and maintain your weight loss.

Step 1 is to have a clear vision of what it is you want. "Picture your life the way you want it," Bob says. "You could even be the most motivated person on the planet. If you don't have a vision for yourself, your motivation will take you somewhere away from the vision that you want for your life."
Also, make sure your vision is realistic. "If you're 5'4" and you want to be 6'1", have a different vision," he says. "In your heart, you need to know that you can achieve it."
I really liked that part of what he said, especially the part about having a realistic vision. If you picture something that is unrealistic it will just discourage you and you will stop believing in yourself. It could even be that you want to lose 60 pounds and you put a month time frame on it, that isn't realistic, you have to give yourself time and take it one day at a time.
The 2nd step is to convince yourself that you are deserving. Bob says it's critical to break down this barrier. "[People] feel unworthy because that was reinforced growing up by either an unsupportive adult or authority figure,” Bob says. “You're reconfirming [that] by sabotaging your own efforts.” If you yourself isn't convinced that you deserve it then it will never be able to happen.
Step 3 is to identify your biggest barriers and the 4th step is to break through them. Bob says there's a big difference between a barrier and an excuse. "I've heard every excuse imaginable—except a good one," he says. "A barrier is more of an issue."
"We all have a natural aversion to discomfort and pain, and that's the irony on both exercise and diet. You don't want to give up. There's some discomfort giving up your favorite foods," he says. "If you're doing exercise right, you have a level of discomfort to get results. And we are wired to avoid discomfort and seek pleasure."

Bob says the only way to break through a barrier is to identify what's holding you back. "You have barriers for a reason. They're coping mechanisms in many cases," he says. "So many people think getting on the treadmill or turning down your favorite foods is the hard part. That's the easy part. It's these issues and barriers of unworthiness—or being in a toxic relationship is a top one."
Breaking through takes courage, but the benefits could last a lifetime. "I've never seen anyone successful long term that couldn't make at least one or more tough decisions," he says.
The top barriers are finance and relationships along with Grief and many others. Everyone will have different barriers. You have to be able to identify what your barrier or barriers are and figure out how to get past them before you can really be successful. I've seen so many women get divorced and then become an entirely new person, they lose weight and just become a better them in so many ways, they got rid of the toxic thing that was holding them back and they could finally be happy and focus on themselves. Now I'm def not saying to go out and get divorced and use your money from your divorce to get a trainer, visit the plastic surgeon and get new clothes. BUT if you are not in a good relationship then work it out, go to a therapist to see if it can become a better relationship. One of my biggest barriers was my Grief. After losing 2 sons I well sort of just lost it. I didn't want to take care of myself and losing the baby weight this last time was the last thing on my mind. I had to get thru the biggest part of my grief before I could focus on me and get healthy again. My body was destroyed for the most part and it didn't help I took a year off after delivering to grieve and do about nothing else. I did however need that, without that I wouldn't have been able to start working out and get to where I want to be. Grieving is a life long process especially when you are grieving the loss of your children but you can get to a place where you start being more yourself and are able to focus on what you need to. It does take time and no one can tell you when you are ready. It went from an excuse to a Barrier and as soon as I realized that and could deal with it I took the excuse and the barrier away.
The 5th step is to put yourself first. "Another way to say that is, 'Get the support you need,'" he says. "It's getting the people in your life on board."
Bob says parents struggle with this the most and too many use their children as an excuse not to make themselves a priority. "What parent would [tell her child], 'Don't take care of yourself?' That's the message your kids are learning," he says. "Putting yourself first is not selfish. It's a way to become a more profound role model for children and those in your life."
This can be the hardest step and even barrier for a lot of people. I also think it's also important to take care of yourself more along with putting yourself first. For me it is taking time to lock myself in the bathroom every once in awhile and have a nice bubble bath and to give myself a facial. Some people may want to take time to read a book or garden by themselves. It is just very important to get "me time" where you can really focus on yourself.

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