Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stretching/Injury/Week 3

Well week 3 has come and gone. My body has already hit a wall and feels like it ran into one and was hit by a bus!! I hoped my hip and knee would be so much better by now but that didn't exactly happen. My Hip hurts worse and my knee has been giving out on me where I can't finish all my work outs. I am sure my Hip and Knee are a 2 in 1 package since it is on the same side. I have always had bad hips that lock up on me and do all sorts of funky things but this is the first time it has stopped me from doing something. I'm sure having so much bed rest and time off between working out has something to do with it. So starting this week I am going to start doing Pilates every morning and mix in some Yoga into it as well. Stretching helps even if you aren't hurt. It is so important to get a great stretch in after every work out. With me it is hard for me to move and I wake up in pain every morning so I am going to put Pilates in when I wake up and see if it helps me. After work outs Ill focus on getting a good 10 - 15 minutes of stretching in as well.
So week 3 was what I would consider a bad week for me but it is still a loss so I can't be too upset. I am down a pound and my Hubby is down 3 I believe. I sort of hate how easy it is for guys to lose weight, he didn't get many work outs in this week and still lost 3 pounds.
Everyone's body will hit some kind of wall though and if you get a 0 remember to still stick with it. Also some weeks you could be losing fat but putting on muscle so you could still feel like you are thinner and look thinner but the scale not show it.

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