Friday, March 25, 2011


It is such an amazing feeling when you can actually feel and see the Finish Line in anything you do especially getting healthy! Not that trying to be healthy ever stops BUT its nice to see that you are almost to where you want to be and can work on maintaining from that place.
For some reason this week I am starting to feel so much different. I have no idea why it has taken so long or why it is happening at this point but I'm feeling great and can't believe I ever let myself get to where I was. I know I will feel even better when I'm at my final goal but I will def take where I am now!!! I'm feeling stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. I am able to do so much more at the gym when I'm lifting which is a great feeling. I have always loved lifting and it's so frustrating not being able to do what I'm used to. SOOO I know I'm about half way to the finish line and where I want to be and instead of feeling frustrated about still having a ways to go but I can see and feel the finish line and I'm not going to let it get me down. Always remember to focus on going forward and don't go backwards or focus on the past. It's about where you are going!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Break

Well 2 weekends ago I "ran" in a 10k called Ethans Run. Last year I did the 1 mile fun run with Stratton but this year I thought I should try the 10k. My Mom and her friend, Laurie came up to run it with us. My hip and my back were still not feeling a 100% but I was getting better. A couple miles in we decided to wait for my Cousin who was running it, I knew I wouldn't want to run the last 3 1/2 miles alone especially if I had never ran that far. It was great getting to go a few miles with her especially since we only see each other like once a year. Well after the run I got so sick and spent the next week in Bed not really able to do too much. I guess it was the break I needed though. After not doing anything for almost 2 years and going full force so fast my body hit a wall. So now I am slowly trying to get back into it and get into some great work outs without getting sick again. Ive had a nasty cold since half way thru last week or a sinus infection whatever it is it makes it hard to do too much so I am having to limit myself on what I am able to do. The best thing is to do that though and not push it. Pushing yourself when you still aren't feeling well will just make it worse and push you back further then giving yourself those extra couple days you need to feel better. Hope everything has had a nice week and for anyone else who has been sick I hope you are giving yourself time to heal and get back to feeling better!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Top Calorie Burning Workouts

** Recipe **

I found this recipe while looking for healthy Valentines Day Dinner ideas. This is a great website because it has the nutritional info so you know how many calories and such are in the meal per serving. They have some great ideas if you are in need of some new recipes for a great, yummy and healthy recipe for your family this Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

{ Being Sore }

I didn't really think after 4 weeks of working out that I would get as sore as I am but it has happened. I did sort of wonder why I wasn't getting very sore at the start and now I have my answer! I am finally at the point where I can push myself and get good work outs in so in return I am getting sore. I took a Kick box Cardio class on Monday night and woke up yesterday morning so sore I didn't think I'd be able to get out of bed. Last night I had 30 minutes of weight lifting along with my hour Spin class. I couldn't go near as hard as I usually do in Spin because of how sore I was and because my knees and hips are still bothering me BUT I still finished and got another good work out in. I'm even more sore this morning but it is a great feeling that I have missed for way too long. I really don't know a better feeling, I do love being sore from working out. One thing that everyone who is working out should do is get new supports for your shoes. I finally got mine last night and it was such a great change. I have very high arches and it has def bothered me not having the supports in them. They make all sorts of supports, you just have to find which ones feel best for you! Having the right supports can also help you not get as sore and help you be able to even go longer in your work outs.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stretching/Injury/Week 3

Well week 3 has come and gone. My body has already hit a wall and feels like it ran into one and was hit by a bus!! I hoped my hip and knee would be so much better by now but that didn't exactly happen. My Hip hurts worse and my knee has been giving out on me where I can't finish all my work outs. I am sure my Hip and Knee are a 2 in 1 package since it is on the same side. I have always had bad hips that lock up on me and do all sorts of funky things but this is the first time it has stopped me from doing something. I'm sure having so much bed rest and time off between working out has something to do with it. So starting this week I am going to start doing Pilates every morning and mix in some Yoga into it as well. Stretching helps even if you aren't hurt. It is so important to get a great stretch in after every work out. With me it is hard for me to move and I wake up in pain every morning so I am going to put Pilates in when I wake up and see if it helps me. After work outs Ill focus on getting a good 10 - 15 minutes of stretching in as well.
So week 3 was what I would consider a bad week for me but it is still a loss so I can't be too upset. I am down a pound and my Hubby is down 3 I believe. I sort of hate how easy it is for guys to lose weight, he didn't get many work outs in this week and still lost 3 pounds.
Everyone's body will hit some kind of wall though and if you get a 0 remember to still stick with it. Also some weeks you could be losing fat but putting on muscle so you could still feel like you are thinner and look thinner but the scale not show it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

** Whats Your Song? **

Well last night with 5 minutes left in Spin I thought "on my goodness I can't finish and do another song" I was really thinking of not finishing which is something that is not in me but this teacher pushed me more than I ever thought I could be which was great because I really needed a good hard work out. He put on the last song and I had no idea I had 'a song' but I do and it is Beyonces All the Single Ladies! As soon as it came on all the girls started to sing and worked our butts off for another 5 minutes before a cool down! I am so happy to know this so that I can make sure it is on my I-Pod and when I need a pick me up I can put it on and get a 2nd wind!!! So what is your song? If you haven't figured it out yet just keep your ears open when you are listening to the radio and when something comes on that just makes you want to sing at the top of your lungs and move your hips, write it down and add it!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I found this great website to help you figure out how many calories you should eat and to help you figure out an estimate of how many calories you are burning on a regular day and when you work out.

Monday, January 31, 2011

** Scale **

I have to admit I just got my 1st scale for my Kitchen. Another purchase I'm not sure why it took me so long to make. They run in a very wide price range. I got mine at Costco and it is so little and thin that it doesn't look bad on my Kitchen counter. Scales help a lot to stay in the portion sizes you want to stay in. Fruits, veggies, nuts, meat, and anything else can all be put on the scales. Nuts and Granola are two things you really have to watch how much you eat. Although Granola is talked up as a health food it is usually high in Calories and Fat and a lot of them can have a lot more Sugar in them then you would think they do. So the most important thing is to read the labels and really make sure you stay in the portion size you want. A great way to start out the week is to pre-portion out things at the start of the week and put them in bags for you to just grab when its time for a snack or to throw in your purse so you have something if you are going to be gone for awhile. It also helps a lot when you or your kids are making lunch. Just throw the pre-portioned bags into your lunch bag and enjoy!!!!


I would say without this step your weight loss just won't happen and that is the Eating part. Your meals and your work outs go hand in hand to lose weight and also to maintain it. The meals/eating comes in a few parts as well. The first is calories, you have to lower your calorie intake in order to lose weight, the next part is making sure those are healthy and nutritious calories you are getting in. If you are set to eat 1200 calories in a day then that doesn't mean 500 Calories of Sugar filled Ice Cream, 200 in Soda and the rest just snacking on whatever you found around the house like candy or fattening snacks that aren't good for you. The next step besides the calories you get and making sure they are good calories is how you eat them. It is very important to get 3 small meals and then 2 snacks between them. Grazing is one of the worst things you can do when losing and maintaining weight. If you are getting good work outs in and you can't figure out why you aren't losing you are most likely grazing or you didn't cut enough calories. You have to make sure you get enough calories though sometimes not enough calories can also mess up what you are trying to do. Everyone is different so a Husband and Wife def can't compare and eat the same. You can't even compare to one of your friends that you think is around the same size as you. My Husband and I are about 1000 calories different in our intake. So for 1200 calories you can cut up the calories into like 330 calories and then have 2 snacks that are around 100 each. Or if you know you are going to be having a lunch that has more calories then normal you can cut your snack calories down or even another meal but do not cut a meal out totally. You can put the calories however you like, some people like a bigger Lunch and smaller Breakfast and Dinner so they have a few more calories at Lunch then the other meals. It is also best to eat an hour or hour and a half before you work out. For me I can't have an actual meal before working out unless it is over an hour before hand. Also make sure you watch when you eat your last meal. You do not want to eat too close to when you fall asleep. You will hear lots of people say don't eat past 9 well if you go to bed at 9 or 9:30 that doesn't really make sense. Just make sure you are giving yourself time after eating before you go to sleep. I know if I have Dinner at 6 it is better that I go to bed at 9 than 11 because I will start getting hungry and end up eating something that I shouldn't. It is best to eat 3 hours before you go to bed.
If you need to go thru anything in your house and get rid of anything that you shouldn't be eating. I have gone thru everything we have and got rid of anything and everything that we shouldn't be eating. I didn't have much since I don't like to keep sugar in our house but I got rid of anything I could snack on and shouldn't. If you shouldn't eat it now then you shouldn't ever eat it. You can donate it to the food bank if it isn't open. No reason to just throw it away. The easiest way to keep healthy is to make sure your fridge is FILLED with fresh fruit and veggies! Kids love to shop for them as well. I take my Son with me when we go to the market and he picks things he wants to eat and then he is excited to eat them.